Origine Aphrodites

Painting and sculpture exhibition

Follow your art gallery invites you to the opening of the 4th of its summer exhibitions; “Origine / Aphrodites” is a duo exhibition of paintings and sculpture by Evelyne and Sylvain Yeatman-Eiffel, a couple of artists that fell in love with the island of Kythera since their first trip, 25 years ago.

Sylvain Yeatman- Eiffel was born in Paris in 1943. On his father's side, he has American roots and on his mother’s side, he is a direct descendant of the famous civil engineer Gustave Eiffel. A self-taught painter since 1960, he has created hand-painted silks for fashion designer Christian Dior, designed contemporary furniture and has exhibited regularly since 1969. Amongst his favourite subjects are shadows on walls, the breaking of the waves, the multiple variations of the world's water lilies, the shifting skies of Kythera, and the ever-changing reflections in the water. His painting technique follows a personal approach, applying both oil paint and rough materials on his canvases to accentuate the contrasts, the depth and the fresco aspect.

Évelyne Yeatman-Eiffel studied Art History at The École du Louvre and The Grande Chaumière. She has published several monographs of painters such as Albert André, Jean Viollier and “Mayo” (Antoine Malliarakis) while producing works of art on paper. Using different mediums such as charcoal, pastels, inks and watercolours she draws her inspiration from nature, which is frequently violent as in the myths and the metamorphoses. However, her artistic creativity is not confined to paper as she also creates sculptures that have the wild beauty of primitive works, ceramics and art photography, her long-lasting passion.

In this exhibition, the viewer will enjoy oil paintings inspired by the island of Kythera and the myth of Aphrodite by Sylvain Yeatman – Eiffel; and drawings, sculptures and ceramics with a deep connection to mythology and Art Brut, by Évelyne Yeatman-Eiffel.

Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
Origine Aphrodites -- poster or photo of exhibited artwork
07 Jul 2023 - 19 Jul 2023
Opening Hours
Mo-Su 18:00-00:00
follow your art, Kapsali, Kythera, 80100
follow your art
Evelyne Yeatman-Eiffel
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